
Scared 4 my kids


With the government announcing reopening schools and unis, I dont feel comfortable sending my kids back to school. But simultaneously I dont want to halt their education. Im so torn. My youngest kids are around 5 and 7 years old and the eldest is starting Uni. (I know, I know, big gap what was I thinking and all that crap I get from people all the time).

But Im so so scared of sending them to school. This isnt okay. We have examples of countries regretting opening schools, why are we doing this?

What do you suggest I do, Appa? Im scared

– Scared 4 my kids

Dear Scared for my kids,
Can you give yourself a tight squeeze and remember that you are an amazing mom? It’s utterly and totally fine to feel this way. And believe you me, you are not alone in this sentiment. We have been through a battlefield these last few months. And have finally come to grips with what it means to be safe(r) and now this!
Let’s review some facts so it’s easier to deal with the gravity of this situation.
Firstly, your kids are young and not yet at that stage where they will miss significant chunks of academic content if you do decide not to send them. However, please know that all of this is subject to the government re-evaluating the safety standards at that point in time. Have you spoken to the school? Voiced your concern to them? Have they been able to give you a convincing answer?
My advice will be to take it one step at a time and know that this is your decision at the end of the day and no one will fault you for it.

I can relate to your connundrum completely and so can a lot of other mothers. Thank you for being brave enough to voice your concerns here. Also remind yourself that we all need to adjust to something that is the ‘new-normal’ and this might just fall in that category. However the adjustment speed and plan is your call.
Hope this becomes easier for all of us. In the meantime, talk to the kids also. See what they have to say on this matter. You’d be amazed how capable they are of giving us clarity and direction.
And as for your universties, I think they will probably rethink opening up , if any sign of alarm, because students come from all over Pakistan and then SOPs become more difficult to administer. Having said that, let’s hope and assume that young university students will be more conscientious about maintaining protocols and will need to adjust to this new way of life.

And as for your universties, I think they will probably rethink opening up , if any sign of alarm, because students come from all over Pakistan and then SOPs become more difficult to administer. Having said that, let’s hope and assume that young university students will be more conscientious about maintaining protocols and will need to adjust to this new way of life.

Sending prayers and love your way,

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